On February the 17th we visited the organic farm and winery “Paladin” in Annone Veneto with our teacher Milena Lorenzon.
We were with some foreign teachers from Germany , England and Spain because of the Comenius project we’re doing together.
We took them there because we decided to show them one of our typical products: wine.

First we saw the company’s headquarters, built according to the canons of the Veneto architecture of the first years of 18th century and surrounded by the green vineyards. 
Then we saw the vineyards and the true production of wine.
When we came back to the headquarters we completed our visit seeing the other part of it: in fact it contains, further to the offices, an underground aging winery, a wine shop and a polifunctional room for dinners and other meeting occasions.
At the end of our visit we could taste some excellent wines and a sommelier explained us a lot of interesting things about wines and how to drink it in the best way. After that Rajssa and Sybil, two of our schoolmates, told our guests about another typical product of our land: the red radicchio of Treviso.